Arsip Blog

A Documentary on the Plight of Jakarta’s Street Children

In 2010, Al Jazeera filmed a documentary on the issues, dangers and lives of street children and their families living in Jakarta.

Aris Merdeka Sirait from the National Commission for Child Protection said that;

It is the Government and society’s responsibility, not to look at them [street children] as criminals, but to look at them as victims. Victims of dysfunctional families and of rampant poverty.

Together Jakarta’s community needs to continue working together for the good of the people. Street children do not deserve to be treated as delinquents and social misfits, they are victims of the life they have been born into.

Sahabat Anak continues to provide free education to street children in an attempt to break the poverty cycle and help them aim for a better life away from the streets.

Please take the time to watch this video and to learn more about the problems  facing Jakarta’s urban poor.

The Complexity of Prumpung

Prumpung is an area in Jakarta which has complex problems. It is a very dense and crowded area with a rather unique society. The residents usually work as sculptors at Merak Port, buskers near the traffic lights, laundry service or by selling fried snacks on the street. Read the rest of this entry

Kompleksitas Prumpung

Prumpung adalah satu daerah di Jakarta yang memiliki permasalahan multikompleks. Area perumahan yang rapat dan padat penduduk ini, terus bergumul dengan segala keunikannya. Rata-rata penghuninya berprofesi sebagai tukang/penjual patung di Pelabuhan Merak dan lampu merah, tukang cuci baju, pengamen, dan penjual gorengan. Read the rest of this entry

Klinik Sahabat Anak: Langkah Kecil Mendukung Hak Kesehatan bagi Anak Indonesia

Klinik Sahabat Anak merupakan salah satu program Sahabat Anak terbaru yang mulai dijalankan pada 2011. Klinik ini akan mengunjungi tujuh daerah binaan SA dan beberapa mitra sesuai yang membutuhkan layanan kesehatan. Read the rest of this entry

Sahabat Anak Clinic: A Small Step in Promoting Indonesian Children’s Rights to Health Care

The Sahabat Anak Clinic is one of our latest programs which commenced in 2011. The aim of the clinic is to visit the eight Sahabat Anak Tutorial Areas and a some of our partner organisations who are in need of health services.

The medical team preparing to deliver free health check ups to SA Prumpung.

Read the rest of this entry

Ratusan Ribu Anak Hidup Di Jalan, Apakah Pilihanmu?

Dian memberikan sharing di acara Grand Opening Rumah Sahabat.

Dalam hidup, kita tidak bisa lepas dari pilihan. Sejak bangun tidur, kita sudah dihadapkan pada berbagai pilihan: Baju mana yang akan kita pakai, apa makan pagi hari ini, jalan mana yang harus dilewati, dll. Ada masa dimana saya tidak yakin apakah saya memilih hal yang benar, bahkan ada kalanya saya menyesali pilihan yang sudah saya tentukan. Tapi satu pilihan yang saya yakini kebenarannya dan tidak saya sesali adalah pilihan untuk menjadi relawan di Sahabat Anak. Read the rest of this entry

Hundreds of Thousands of Children Live On The Street! What Is Your Choice?

Dian giving a speech at the recent opening of Sahabat Anak's new secretariat and Children's Activity Centre - Rumah Sahabat.

In life, we cannot escape choices. From the moment we wake up in the morning we are faced with many options: Which clothes should I wear? What to eat this morning? Which road should I take?  There are times when I doubt that I am choosing the right thing. There are even times when I regret the choices  I have made. But one thing I do believe is right and I do not regret  is the choice to be a volunteer at Sahabat Anak. Read the rest of this entry

Renovation and Grand Opening of Rumah Sahabat

After much anticipation, the renovations of Sahabat Anak’s Secretariat and Children’s Activity Centre have finally been completed. On Saturday 31 March 2012 Sahabat Anak and KDM held the Grand Opening for the office and school, naming the building Rumah Sahabat! Read the rest of this entry